Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do Perfume Flaps in Magazines Think They Smell Unique?

Because they literally do not.

Have you ever, once in your life, peeled open one of those ridiculous smelly magazine flaps and thought, "wow, what a distinct scent! This smells nothing like any of the other flaps in this magazine! I'm going to buy this unique eau de parfum!"


They all smell exactly the same.* In fact, most magazines in general smell like a combination of glossy paper and generic perfume all wrapped into one.

Tell me you disagree. In the comments. That's fine. My sense of smell may be off.

*I'll admit that one or two have smelled unique ... but c'mon. Outliers.


  1. I think I've used those flaps for freshening up a room. Just throw 'em in a drawer or something and there you go. p.s. I think magazines like Consumer Reports and Road & Track should insert flaps that have that new car smell. I have so many ideas, but nobody wants them. You with your time-changing contact lenses and me with my car smell flaps. People should want to meet with us. pps. I really dig your blog!

  2. I thought I was the only one who noticed that! It's so true! Why do you think companies even bother to insert a perfume flap?

    Keep up the witty posts! #socialndigitalLU

  3. Kathy - good idea! I'm definitely stealing that. Let's go on Shark Tank and pitch your car magazine flaps!

    Mary - Glad someone agrees!! I'd love to see how many sales they actually turn from those generic flaps... !


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