Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Guest Rant by Ryan Butler (BFFAE/BF)

Me and Ryan #nofilter
(but honestly how ugly is this photo)
What's this I see? A snap chat notification on my lock screen ... F YEAH! 

I'm thrilled to see what heinous selfie my friend just snapped so that I naturally can screen shot it and use it as blackmail later.

But wait. What's this? Purple.... No. Honestly fuck off. IT CAN'T BE. It's a snapchat video. WHY.

Let's break this spit down for a hot second.

This could quite possibly be the most annoying thing ... EVER. 

First off, in order to watch this less-than-ten-second-video (need I say inherently dumb), I'm required to be in some remote viewing location because it's undoubtedly extremely vulgar/loud/annoying/I hate it and don't care about what you're doing at all. 

Secondly, I cannot screen shot an entire video so what's the point? How can I embarrass you with this? What's my ROI? NOTHING. And more importantly, I still do not care about this video that you sent the 30 of your closest snap chat "friends."

So before you send a snap chat video, ask yourself, is it really worth it? 

... (And if you find that it is worth it still don't send it because DILLIGAF.)

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