Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Parents Once Made Us Go To A Really Weird Photoshoot

This photo is just so weird I can't even...
My parents used to have their own ad agency. (SHOUTOUT ) They did freelance work for businesses in the Greater Boston area, and being a youngster growing up with parents who work from home, I got to go to some pretty cool sheet.

(I'm talking editing studios, commercial shoots, recording booths ... Think about how stocked these kitchens were. Think about it. So much free candy.)

So this one time, my parents were doing some work for the Children's Hospital in Boston. Naturally, the models were chosen: me, and my sister. (We were cute. Are cute.)

Now, being about 6 at the time, my memory of the event is definitely foggy. So I'm filling in some deets. Sue me.

But there is one thing I do know. I was at a photoshoot. And all of a sudden, there was a jean jacket that was just my size. Def from Osh-Kosh-B'Gosh (sp?) ... talk about #tbt.

Fast forward 10 years and I'm still looking at pictures of me with every visit to grandparents homes and on fridges. (Fun Fact: I was in an ad for children's hospital and it's pretty damned cute. Suck it Abby. #weirdbrag)

So yeah, this was weird.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Altitude "Problems"


I had an experience today* that I thought was worthy of a post. So here we are.

I'm currently visiting a friend in Boulder, Colorado (yay, friends!). Having never been to Colorado, I was due for a speech on the risks of the mile-high city and how to be weary of the "thinness of the air."

Lucky for me, my Aunt, a seasoned CO traveller was willing to inform me how to deal.

"You'll definitely notice it. It's like, you'll just feel kind of slow. I remember one time, walking up a flight of stairs, and having to take a minute to myself just to catch my breath!"

All I can imagine is that episode of Spongebob in which Mr. Squarepants thinks that he can visit Sandy in her underwater air bubble sans water-helmet. AKA I'M GOING TO DIE. Now, something you should know about me is that I'm a pretty anxious human. My chest is already tightening at the thought of landing.

This is what I felt like in 23C.
I'm on the plane. We're in descent. Turbulence. Okay, I can handle this. Might die, but whatever. We land. We're taxiing. I am counting down the minutes until the cabin door opens. These are my last breaths. I'm breathing heavily in my middle seat (the worst). Like, heavily. I feel like I'm in one of those situations where there's like a fire alarm or something but I'm the only one who can hear it so I'm just playing it cool but like, THERE'S A GODDAMNED FIRE.

I'm literally watching the rows in front of me as if I will see some sort of cue that row 5 - now 8 - now 15 - is losing air. All I see is calm people unloading their belongings from the overhead bins. Wtf is this.


IN SUMMARY - stfu about the "thinness of the air" because GUESS WHAT it's a non-issue.

Go to Colorado ppl. It's safe.

*Today is now a few weeks ago. GTF over it.

Okay But, Pollywogs.

You may have never really thought about it, but there are tadpoles, and then there are frogs. But like, in between those two things, there i...